Hello Signature Script Font
Hello Signature is an elegant signature font. It has a dancing baseline which will give your design a fresh and modern feel. It’s perfect for greeting cards, branding materials, business cards, quotes, posters, and every other design which needs to look upscale and chic!
The alternative characters were divided into several Open Type features such as Swash, Stylistic Sets, Stylistic Alternates, Contextual Alternates. The Open Type features can be accessed by using Open Type programs such as Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw X version, And Microsoft Word. And this Font has given PUA unicode (specially coded fonts). so that all the alternate characters can easily be accessed in full by a craftsman or designer.
This demo font is for PERSONAL USE ONLY! But any donation are very appreciated.
Link to purchase full version and commercial license: https://crmrkt.com/bo8BMA
Paypal account for donation :https://www.paypal.me/wandani
For more information please contact :[email protected],
Font info
Designer Name: | wandani. |
Date: | September 17, 2019 |
Downloads: | 6159 |
Classification: | Script Fonts, Handwritten Fonts |
License: | Free for Personal Use |
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