Dothan Handwritten Font
Dothan is a pen-writing signature font – made by RaisProject. Dothan signature Font has beautiful uppercase, lowercase letters, numerals, a range of punctuation and ligatures.
Dothan Signature Font will be great for any of your special projects including : professional, weddings, promotion, events, branding, advertising, magazine, shopping, signage, invitation, stationery, social media posts, product packaging, product designs, label, photography, watermark or and any projects that need handwriting style. Dothan Font includes full set of gorgeous uppercase and lowercase letters, numerals, a large range of punctuation and ligatures. We made it looks simple yet stunning handwritten looks, giving realistic pen style.
Dothan Font is PUA Encoded Characters supported. It can be accessed in the Adobe Apps (Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop etc), Coreldraw and even work on Microsoft Word. It works on PC/windows or Mac OS.
This font is Demo Font free for PERSONAL USE only.
Link to purchase full version and commercial license:
Font info
Designer Name: | RaisProject |
Date: | June 15, 2021 |
Downloads: | 14020 |
Classification: | Script Fonts, Handwritten Fonts |
License: | Free for Personal Use |
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