ITC Panache Font

ITC Panache Sans Serif Font Family, like most other works of art, provide a small window into the personalities and sensibilities of the artists who create them.

ITC Panache not only provides this window, it is also aptly named. Mr. Edward Benguiat the dreator of ITC Panache, has all the dash, verve (and panache) hinted at in the design, Creative, capable and prolific, Ed Benguiat has drawn hundreds of exciting and popular typeface designs.

Benguiat’s design goal was to create a sans serif typestyle that is versatile, utilitarian – and distinctive. We think he has succeeded admirably. ITC Panache’s three weights mix exceptionally well to complement each other or provide emphasis where necessary. Extensive testing at text sizes and design fine-tuning has produced a typeface family which is remarkably homogenous and consistent in color. Text set in ITC Panache is inviting without dissapointment. It is exceptionally easy to read, even in long text blocks of copy or small point sizes.
When set in larger sizes or used for headlines, ITC Panache’s character traits becomes more apparent and pronounced to the reader. They help to create graphics with distinction and style.
Big or small. a little or a lot. it’s hard not to use ITC Panache well.

If you could pigeonhole ITC Panache, it would probably be classified as a stressed sans”, but this would not completely describe, or do justiceto, the design. There is a slight contrast in stroke weight, which becomes more pronounced as the familiy weight increases; but there is a more to distinguish ITC Panache from ather sans serifs. Perhaps most obvious is its high waist and correspondingly slight condensation of the top half of the “round” capitals. Both of these traits link ITC Panache with the sensuous forms of art nouveau creations. In contrast are the typicall old style “e” found in designs like Cloister and ITC Berkeley Old Style, and the two storied “g” common to the early 20th century sans serif designs. The capital “A” even has the cupped top found in Caslon designs. Part of the beauty of ITC Panache is that all of these seemingly unrelated desig traits are melded into a design of exceptional continuity.”

This is the FREE version for personal use. For a commercial use license click here:

Font info

Designer Name:
Date: November 25, 2022
Downloads: 7228
Classification: Basic Fonts, Sans Serif Fonts
License: Free for Personal Use

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Panache ITC Std Bold View all Glyphs The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

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