HBO Font

The HBO logo features the company’s initials set in a bold, black color and written in ALL-CAPS. The letter “O” has a white circular ring, which helps to distinguish the logo from brands with a similar name.

But like many companies with a fairly long history of existence, HBO has carried out several upgrades and modifications to its logo since its inception.

The original HBO logo was centered on the company’s full name. This logo featured the words “Home Box Office” set inside a rectangular shape formed through a stylized depiction of a lighted marque. A ticket stub was set right next to the word “Box.” HBO used this logo from 1972 to 1975.

In 1975, graphic designer Bemis Balkind developed a new logo for HBO. The new logo had the abbreviation “HBO,” in what seemed like an admission that the company had achieved tremendous popularity and no longer had to use its full name on its branding materials. The letter “O” in this logo cut into the preceding letter “B.”

The next and final upgrade to the HBO logo happened in 1980. These were mainly touch-ups and not significant modifications, as they only focused on making the letters “B” and “O” distinct from each other. Instead of the letter “O” cutting into “B” as was the case with the previous logo, the letters appeared slightly attached in the new logo.

But while HBO has conducted several upgrades to its logo over the years, two elements have remained largely unchanged – the color and font.

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Date: December 2, 2022
Downloads: 39148
Classification: Basic Fonts, Sans Serif Fonts
License: Free for Personal Use

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