Ordinary Signature Font is a calligraphic handwriting signature font. It brings a classy look that will bring out extraordinary beauty and suitable for industries, such as author, boutique, café, clinic, clothing brand, furniture, herbal products, hotel, jewelry, photography, printing, publishing, and much more.
Ordinary Signature Font comes with a full set of Uppercase and Lowercase Basic Characters, Number, a large range of Punctuation and Symbol, and also some Ligature characters. It has a stunning characters set, perfectly managed with well spaced and kerning. Ordinary Signature Font will take your project to another level and is perfect for catalog, label, packaging design, screen print, stationery, title, website, etc.
Ordinary Signature Font also supports multilingual characters. Ready to use both on Windows machine or Mac with simple installations. It’s tested to work well in the Adobe Apps (Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop) even work on Microsoft Word. PUA Encode Characters means you can access all the glyphs and other additional characters easily – Fully accessible without additional design software.
This font is made for personal use. Get the full version of the fonts if you want to use it for commercial purposes by purchasing the licenses here: https://edricstudio.com/ordinary-signature-font/
If you need a custom license please contact us by email : [email protected]
Font info
Designer Name: | Edric Studio |
Date: | December 28, 2022 |
Downloads: | 5595 |
Classification: | Script Fonts, Handwritten Fonts, Variou Fonts |
License: | Free for Personal Use |
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