TT Wellingtons Font

TT Wellingtons Sans Serif Font is an attempt to combine the style of English humanist sans-serifs of the early 20th century with the requirements for modern geometric grotesques. Our main task was to preserve the feeling of hand-written origin of the letters while simplifying their design and making it as functional as possible.

One can find many artifacts typical of the traditional technique of poster pen movement on paper in TT Wellingtons. These are the asymmetric sections of the upper and lower corners of the letters “C” or “Э” or the smooth elements of the strokes connection, which are clearly visible in lowercase Latin characters, for example, in the letter “n”. The large size of lowercase characters’ height and the geometric manner of circle construction—they are pillow-shaped in TT Wellingtons—can be classified as modern type peculiarities. Apart from all listed above, the typeface features a set of stylistic alternates that changes the shape of style-forming characters to a purely geometric one.

TT Wellingtons consists of 9 weights and 9 true Italics. By default, the standard set uses oldstyle figures, but if necessary, you can easily turn the lining figures on. The typeface includes more than 20 ligatures, stylistic alternates and other useful features. The full list of OpenType features used in TT Wellingtons is: ordn, sups, sinf, numr, dnom, lnum, onum, tnum, pnum, liga, dlig, salt, ss01, ss02, ss03, ss04, case, frac.

Especially for TT Wellingtons font family we’ve prepared a type specimen which can be downloaded here—

This font is demo font free for personal use only, contact designer for commercial use:

Contact us: [email protected]

Font info

Designer Name:
Date: March 9, 2023
Downloads: 9118
Classification: Basic Fonts, Sans Serif Fonts
License: Free for Personal Use

Preview Text

TT-Wellingtons-Trial-Bold.otf View all Glyphs The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
TT-Wellingtons-Trial-Black-Italic.otf View all Glyphs The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
TT-Wellingtons-Trial-Black.otf View all Glyphs The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
TT-Wellingtons-Trial-Bold-Italic.otf View all Glyphs The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
TT-Wellingtons-Trial-DemiBold-Italic.otf View all Glyphs The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
TT-Wellingtons-Trial-DemiBold.otf View all Glyphs The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
TT-Wellingtons-Trial-ExtraBold-Italic.otf View all Glyphs The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
TT-Wellingtons-Trial-ExtraBold.otf View all Glyphs The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
TT-Wellingtons-Trial-ExtraLight-Italic.otf View all Glyphs The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
TT-Wellingtons-Trial-ExtraLight.otf View all Glyphs The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
TT-Wellingtons-Trial-Italic.otf View all Glyphs The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
TT-Wellingtons-Trial-Light-Italic.otf View all Glyphs The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
TT-Wellingtons-Trial-Light.otf View all Glyphs The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
TT-Wellingtons-Trial-Medium-Italic.otf View all Glyphs The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
TT-Wellingtons-Trial-Medium.otf View all Glyphs The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
TT-Wellingtons-Trial-Regular.otf View all Glyphs The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
TT-Wellingtons-Trial-Thin-Italic.otf View all Glyphs The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
TT-Wellingtons-Trial-Thin.otf View all Glyphs The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

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