Franklin Gothic Font

Franklin Gothic Font was designed by Morris Fuller Benton for the American Type Founders Company in 1903-1912. Early types without serifs were known by the misnomer “gothic” in America (“grotesque” in Britain and “grotesk” in Germany). There were already many gothics in America in the early 1900s, but Benton was probably influenced by the popular German grotesks: Basic Commercial and Reform from D. Stempel AG. FranklinGothic may have been named for Benjamin Franklin, though the design has no historical relationship to that famous early American printer and statesman. Benton was a prolific designer, and he designed several other sans serif fonts, including Alternate Gothic, Lightline Gothic and News Gothic. Recognizable aspects of FranklinGothic include the two-story a and g, subtle stroke contrast, and the thinning of round strokes as they merge into stems. The type appears dark and monotone overall, giving it a robustly modern look. FranklinGothic is still one of the most widely used sans serifs; it’s a suitable choice for newspapers, advertising and posters.

Thanks to the author for giving us a chance to try out the latest font. So if you want a nice font complete with commercial license then you can download the full version. DOWNLOAD FULL VERSION.

Font info

Designer Name:
Date: May 17, 2023
Downloads: 9052
Classification: Basic Fonts, Sans Serif Fonts
License: Free for Personal Use

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Franklin Gothic Condensed View all Glyphs The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
FRANKGO View all Glyphs The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
FranklinGothic View all Glyphs The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
fgwo____ View all Glyphs The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

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