Brevia Font, type designer Hannes von Döhren created it, a soft sans-serif type family consisting of seven weights plus matching italics. The fonts have a hint of a brushed feeling and come across as casual and friendly. Nevertheless Brevia’s architecture is straight, making it perfect for longer texts. Because of its large x-height, it also performs well in very small sizes. Brevia’s heavier weights are slightly more curved and have an eye-catching appearance. They unfold their strength especially in greater sizes. This contemporary type family is intended to be used in applications like Cosmetics, Service, Food and Advertising–basically everywhere a pleasant feeling should be conveyed. Brevia is equipped for highly professional use. The OpenType fonts have an extended character set to support Central and Eastern European as well as Western European languages. Each font includes small caps, fractions, old style-, lining-, tabular numbers, scientific superior/inferior figures and a set of arrows.
Thanks to the author for giving us a chance to try out the latest font. So if you want a nice font complete with commercial license then you can download the full version. Please download and enjoy, thank you, and don’t forget to check out our other products.
Font info
Designer Name: | Hannes von Döhren |
Date: | June 22, 2023 |
Downloads: | 11517 |
Classification: | Display Fonts, Sans Serif Fonts |
License: | Free for Personal Use |
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