Xenon Nue Font Family a sleek and versatile sans-serif font family meticulously crafted to elevate your design projects with its futuristic appeal and refined simplicity. Featuring 9 meticulously designed weights—ranging from the delicate Thin to the commanding Heavy—alongside their corresponding italics, XenonNue offers a total of 18 fonts to fulfill all your creative needs.
This font is ideal for a wide range of applications, including branding, logo design, web development, poster creation, social media graphics, video overlays, and more. Its seamless integration across print and digital platforms ensures consistent and captivating results in any medium.
Xenon Nue boasts clean lines, precise geometry, and exceptional legibility, making it perfect for conveying information with clarity and style. Whether you’re crafting a cutting-edge logo or designing sleek interface elements, Xenon Nue provides the versatility and sophistication to bring your vision to life.
Experience the future of typography with Xenon Nue and unlock endless possibilities for your design endeavors.
Included Glyphs
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This font is made for personal use. Get the full version of the fonts if you want to use it for commercial purposes by purchasing the licenses here: https://creativemarket.com/webhance/92544939-Xenon-Nue-A-premium-sans-serif?u=fontlot123
Font info
Designer Name: | Webhance Studio |
Date: | April 22, 2024 |
Downloads: | 6633 |
Classification: | Basic Fonts, Sans Serif Fonts |
License: | Free for Personal Use |
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