Bingkisan Signature Font is a font with Signature style, but with the vibe of real hand lettering, with a lot of swashes, ligatures and stylistic alternate, Bingkisan Font is perfect for many different project such as logos & branding, invitation, wedding designs, social media posts, advertisements, product packaging, product designs, label, photography, watermark, special events or anything.
Bingkisan Signature Script Font was created to look as close to a natural handwritten script as possible by including natural-looking opentype ligatures, and Two full set of lowercase alternates. There are also 24 underline swooshes included.
Bingkisan Signature Script Font also comes with more OpenType features like Stylistic Alternates, Initial Forms, beginning-of-word swashes and end-of-word swashes.
Bingkisan Signature Script Font is also PUA encoded which means you can access all of the glyphs and swashes with ease!
This font is made for personal use. Get the full version of the fonts if you want to use it for commercial purposes by purchasing the licenses here:
Paypal account for donations:
Font info
Designer Name: | Letterhanna Studio |
Date: | May 28, 2024 |
Downloads: | 5916 |
Classification: | Handwritten Fonts, Script Fonts |
License: | Free for Personal Use |
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