Vanella Handwritten Font
Vanella is a feminine handwritten script font, elegant font, classy, readable, stylish, catchy that works for any design project and also easy to use! Vanella handwritten script font is the great choice for a watermark on photography, signature or signature logo design, quotes, album cover, business card, anything that need handwriting taste, and much other design projects.
This demo font is for PERSONAL USE ONLY! But any donations are very appreciated 🙂
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Link to purchase full version and commercial license:
If you need an extended license or corporate license, please contact us by email
[email protected]
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Font info
Designer Name: | Jangan Lupa Studio |
Date: | May 10, 2019 |
Downloads: | 9558 |
Classification: | Script Fonts, Handwritten Fonts |
License: | Free for Personal Use |
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