Lizzie McGuire is an American comedy television series created by Terri Minsky that premiered on Disney Channel on January 12, 2001. The series stars Hilary Duff as the titular character who learns to navigate the personal and social issues of her teenage years. Duff also voices an animated version of Lizzie that performs soliloquies to express the character’s inner thoughts and emotions. The series also stars Lalaine, Adam Lamberg, Jake Thomas, Hallie Todd and Robert Carradine. The series concluded on February 14, 2004, after a total of 65 episodes were produced. A feature film based on the series, The Lizzie McGuire Movie, was released in 2003.
The poster text we identified was generated by Tarzana Font. Tarzana Wide Bold is the typeface used for Lizzie’s name, Wide Regular is used for McGuire’s name. In 2003, a film based on the show was released, titled The Lizzie McGuire Movie, and the poster uses Futura Extra Bold and Medium for the title and other texts.
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