The School for Good and Evil is an upcoming young adult fantasy film directed by Paul Feig and based on Soman Chainani’s 2013 novel of the same name. Joe Roth, Jeffrey Kirschenbaum, Jane Startz, Laura Fischer, and Feig produce the film. The screenplay is written by Vanessa Taylor, David Magee, and Paul Feig. It follows the adventures of best friends Sophie and Agatha, who are kidnapped to the School for Good and Evil. After their fortunes are reversed, they try to figure out a way to return home and their friendship is put to the test. Netflix will release the film in the latter half of 2022.
“Desire” is the font used in The School for Good and Evil poster. Desire was designed by Charles Borges de Oliveira and published by Borges Lettering. Desire contains 13 styles and family package options.
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