Blindspot is an American crime drama television series, created by Martin Gero and starring Sullivan Stapleton and Jaimie Alexander. Rob Brown, Audrey Esparza, Ashley Johnson, Ukweli Roach and Marianne Jean-Baptiste co-star. Archie Panjabi, Luke Mitchell, Michelle Hurd, Ennis Esmer and Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio joined the main cast in later seasons. The Warner Bros. Television-produced series premiered September 21, 2015, on NBC. On May 10, 2019, NBC renewed the series for a fifth and final season, which aired from May 7 to July 23, 2020.
“Sweet Sans Bold Small Caps” is the font used in Blindspot poster. Sweet Sans was designed by Mark van Bronkhorst and published by Sweet. Sweet Sans contains 24 styles and family package options.
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