Fairy Oak is a series of fantasy novels written by the journalist and writer Elisabetta Gnone, already known for having created the comic series WITCH. The series, published in Italy by De Agostini, consists of the main trilogy, to which are added the series The four mysteries and A year in the village – The diary of Vanilla and Periwinkle – the fate of a fairy. The story is set in the village of Fairy Oak, in the Verdepiano valley, where humans without powers called Nonmagics, wizards and witches coexist peacefully, divided into Magical of Light and Magical of Darkness, and magical creatures, such as fairies. The story is told in the first person by Felì (Felì is the nickname of the fairy but in reality her name is Sefeliceiosaròdirvelovorrò), the fairy-nanny of the protagonists Vanilla and Periwinkle Periwinkle.
“Abaddon” is the font used in Fairy Oak poster.
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