Shadowhunters, also known as Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments, is an American supernatural drama television series developed by Ed Decter, based on the popular book series The Mortal Instruments written by Cassandra Clare. It premiered in North America on Freeform on January 12, 2016. Primarily filmed in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, the series follows Clary Fray (Katherine McNamara), who finds out on her eighteenth birthday that she is not who she thinks she is, but rather comes from a long line of Shadowhunters, human-angel hybrids who hunt down demons and rogue ‘downworlders’, and has to deal with the struggle of forbidden love.
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The text on the poster we identify is created by ITC Legacy Font. ITC Legacy Serif was designed by Ronald Arnholm and published by ITC. ITC Legacy Serif contains 52 styles and family package options.
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