Yer Gök Aşk is a Turkish television series in the drama genre that was broadcast between 2010-2013. Burak Hakkı, Melisa Aslı Pamuk and Tuvana Türkay are the leading roles of the series, which started to be published on August 9, 2010. The love of the former leading actors of the series, Birce Akalay and Murat Ünalmış, which started on the set of the series, ended with marriage. The couple decided to leave after a while, but later they reconciled. Selen Soyder, who is the leading actor close to the second season of the series, was transferred to another series of the same production company, Lale Devri, with his character in Yer Gök Aşk for the second time in the history of the Turkish series. Murat Ünalmış, the leading actor of the series, left the series in the 3rd season and played the leading role in the series called Fathers and Sons. Likewise, his ex-wife Birce Akalay left the series after playing in a few episodes of the series. In Season 3, new players have come to the series with new characters. Two of them are Melisa Aslı Pamuk and Burak Hakkı. It ended with a final with the 122th episode, which was published on May 27, 2013.
“Rotis Semi Serif” is the font used in Yer Gök Aşk poster. Rotis Semi Serif was designed by Otl Aicher and published by Adobe. Rotis Semi Serif contains 2 styles and family package options.
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