Alcarràs is a 2022 Spanish-Italian Catalan-language drama film directed by Carla Simón. It is set and shot in Alcarràs, Catalonia, in the Western dialect of the Catalan language, featuring a non-professional cast of actors. The plot concerns about a family drama about the disappearance of traditional peach-harvesting activities. It won the Golden Bear at the 72nd Berlinale, thereby becoming the first Catalan-language film to do so. The film was selected as the Spanish entry for the Best International Feature Film at the 95th Academy Awards, but did not make the shortlist.
“CG Triumvirate Condensed Black” is the font used in Alcarràs poster. CG Triumvirate Font Family was designed by Compugraphic Design Studio and published by Monotype. CG Triumvirate contains 20 styles and family package options.
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